The Camphill Hudson Free Writers, a group of about a dozen, meet weekly at the Solaris Center for the Social Art in Hudson, where we write, draw and read together. In addition to tens of thousands of words, stories and drawings shared over the past two years, we have read The Old Man and the Sea, Winesburg, Ohio and are now most of the way through a book about Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt and almost half-way through The Diary of Anne Frank. What follows are a few unsigned segments of writings from the Free Writers—a small taste of what we share with each other each week.
My sister and my brother went on a boat trip, they did. To find out about the family heritage. Maybe next year I can go on the boat trip with them when they go. My brother called me the other day, he did. I don’t know what day he’s coming up—to take me out to lunch, he said. He’ll let me know, he will. The other day my brother saw two crows. When he was in his office. Yesterday, he did. Two crows. I think pretty soon, he’ll get a new puppy, he will. But he doesn’t know when. There’s another family living in our house. They’re renting it out, they are. Good memories too—that house. And the other day, my brother was cleaning up all the gravel there, he was. Well, my brother told me the other day, my sister will come up for lunch sometime too. My brother told me the other day, I think we’re Polish, we are. He’s going to find out.
I am looking forward to the day when we finally get to go looking for my new apartment. What I would like for the space, is two bathrooms, one bedroom, a huge kitchen, a big dining room, an entertainment room—That’s it.
I had a fabulous 30th birthday the other day/night! People sang to me a lot more than once! I got two singing phone calls! One in the afternoon, one at night. Grandparents and later that night my uncle! At community dinner that night, a cake came out, with a birthday song. I couldn’t believe my ears! There turned out to be another birthday in there. After that Kam then invited me to dinner at her house! I got two birthday dinners that night! … There is a big party coming up next Saturday, and I know everyone will sing “Happy birthday” there.
It’s the start of baseball games. The Cardinals started spring training. I like baseball. It’s fun to watch. The Cardinals are gonna have a great year.
My Thanksgiving Break was very awesome and it was. I enjoy being with good people and having a good life. I had a great time being at the beach and swimming in the ocean. It was lovely. I was doing what I wanted to do and I enjoy it. I got to get two great movies that I will enjoy watching in my house. I like the Thanksgiving meal and it was very good. … I will be happy going back to my house and doing my normal things that I do. What a great vacation and I enjoy it.
Hello—I am the one that everyone is talking about during the meeting. I don't feel good. I feel unnecessarily that I feel that I could get the consequence. Dress nicely. Act up is up for everyone. Once a week grow any sizes of any sort. Using fifty-four dollars to ninety. Use twenty-five dollars for Trustco in Hudson. I feel like the place is only a place in Hudson. Can somebody answer my question? Telling how to be aware.
One day Annie was joking about spiders so much that she turned into one. She was the only pink spider in the world. She was out in the wild and ended up getting eaten by a rat. Then we never heard from Annie again.
Sometimes when I know about things that Bother me, I get so nervous, that I cannot get through the day. I wish there was something I could do about my nervousness but I cannot think of anything.
Sleepy—tired I want my bed! Tired tired tired! Sleepy sleepy sleepy.
Yesterday, on the way to Salvation Army I happened to run into my hairdresser for the first time in town going by his house. I got two invitations “out with friends” in a row. Chris and Jeffrey invited me out for a game, but I was busy, making dinner, and then Kaye invited me out to dessert “fro-yo,” that was fun. Last night Chris and Roger were nice enough to come over for a game of “trouble” that was also fun. “Holy Taleto!”
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Come to making before work
David math home
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Problems simple claim
Covering all kids
even this simple
New house nice day
With guide, parents’ day
They’re Being
Sometimes changes in routine really set me off. I am trying hard to control my own self but sometimes it is hard for me to control myself and my actions.
Spiders, Rats, Skunks, Mice, bears, snakes, Rabbits, Cats, dogs, tarantulas, Bats, Oh and monkeys!
Donald Trump loves to bump a trumpet. Donald Trump loves to refuse to love and to hate. Donald Trump loves to play games. Donald Trump loves to read what Donald Trump needs. The needs is an article—newspaper—writing—entry—journalism.
Annie thought she should make lunch for Solaris and she made spider soup (without warning anyone). She made the broth out of chicken. But she collected spiders and dropped them in the pot. Cut carrots and put in the noodles. When lunch came everybody was nervous about eating the soup. The black dots looked weird. TeAnna and Jody asked, “What are the black dots?” “They are spiders,” Annie said. Jody and TeAnna said, “Yuck,” and told Annie, “You are never making lunch again,” and everyone screamed.
My story is about our play tomorrow and tonight. I am really excited about tomorrow night, we have been working really hard on this play. I think that we are ready to put on a really fantastic performance. In conclusion the play is going to be a smash to the very end of the evening.
I am jealous and want to make things that happen in Hudson. One of them is not to grow up. And to live as Robin Williams as Peter Pan. If he's coaching a performance of Peter Pan—Who will be open and how will it happen? How long is the film? Directions and show respect. Directions of the performance and what room. And by our place for supplies and what we need to make the performance happen. Thanks.
My week so far has been really stressful ’cause I had to trace another history of gout, which lasted thru the weekend and it’s still a minor issue. “Ow ow ow ow ow—No more coffee.” … I had a great half-birthday Monday, celebrated it at home with a couple of episodes of Glee, made a good hot curry for dinner and sang “Happy Half-Birthday” to myself, and Peter was nice enough to join in the song. I was touched by that. He almost forgot my half birthday but no problem at least he still sang to me.
I had a great time going on my trip to the Bronx Zoo and also it was amazing and I enjoyed seeing the animals. I saw some monkeys and tigers and also sea lions swimming around and they were lovely and cute. I love seeing the fishes and the butterflies. I enjoyed myself at the zoo and it was a fun time and it was great. I feel like life can be pretty good doing fun stuff.
I enjoyed going to the mall with Meredith and doing some girl things with her and we had wraps for dinner and it was very good. I had a grilled chicken wrap with a lot of veggies and a diet coke and we played some Uno in my house too.
I feel like I have a moon shadow flowing by a morning circle. We talk about the schedule and did some sing songs and I have to spend time in Blue Room and have fun with friends that I will talk to a Judge about how it’s terrible that if people are sick or hurt that take medicine at the table may and how do people live their lives that they become as old to be singing with their lives and if I die how will my family feel and so will I.
I’m enjoying living in Hudson and I enjoy working with people that I care about. The best part is that I love the freedom to do things that I enjoy. Going out places. I love doing my zumba class I’ve been doing. I love it. And going to Planet Fitness and make me feel good when I am doing that. Living with my housemate Tweety is going great. She is a lot of fun, doing things with me and I enjoy having my time with her and also have nice dinners together.
Things are going well with the project that I am doing with Rabbi Zoe and I am going to make my mask on Tuesday and I am looking forward to that.
I am really looking forward to hosting my very first Bible Evening this Saturday. Of course I am going to have help with this. I am going shopping today to get ingredients for a butternut squash soup that I will be making for Bible supper.
I am really excited that next month June 1st will be my first year anniversary since I moved into my first ever apartment in Hudson.
Dear Mom Dad
I love you Have
That nice days
Of my life Date
Door Ear hand
Come to making
David math home
even covering—
with guide—
Being faught
I’m gonna miss it here. I’m gonna miss people. But I’ll be back. I’ll be back to visit. I hope you guys come on over.
Where do they get those stories. Like, this morning they had the bridge. Did you see it? Where do they get that story from? You know the bridge that used to go across? There was a big story about it in the paper. I wish they’d put that bridge back on there. I think they will, but not for a long time. I’ll be happy. It’d be interesting to see that bridge. I love trains. Trains are the way to go across the country.
I hope that people come up and visit me. She said yesterday, there’ll be a big room, big bathtub. Yeah, it’s gonna be exciting. I’ll miss people here, a lot. But I’ll make some friends. Some of my old friends are up there.
I’m 73. I wish I would be a little bit younger still, but—. It’ll be sad to leave here, but—. It was really great living here. And it was nice to meet a lot of people here.
Is the work on the Clearwater done? I love the Clearwater. Of course, I miss Pete Seeger. Pete was always nice to me, whenever I saw him. He knew me. I love the Clearwater because of Pete.
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Some of the Camphill Hudson Free Writers